How to Register and Create an Application-Order

New User Portal Guide

There are several steps that you, a prinicipal investigator, and the members in your group must do in order to access our booking system EMhub and from there our Resources, such as grid preparation equipment, microscopes, and Drop-in assistance. To make this as easy and straight-forward as possible we provide the following instructions.

:bulb: Note: Please read this guide closely and fill out all of the fields shown and described below to ensure that your account(s) and application/order is created correctly. This leads to the fastest processing so that you can access our resources without the delay of us needing to get the missing/incorrect information rectified!

Step 1: Register Account (Principal Investigator)

The first thing is for you, as a principal investigator, to register an account in the OrderPortal (The site you are currently reading this guide on).

To register a new account simply click the green "Register account" button near the bottom left of the OrderPortal home page as shown below:

Screenshot 1

First Step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing a screenshot of the Cryo-EM OrderPortal page with the mouse hovering over the button "Register account"


In the form that follows, fill out at least all of the required information that is marked with a red star. Pay close attention to the NOTE: comments under each of the inputs, as they contain important details about how the data is used by the portal and by us in the facility. Within the first half of this form pay attention to the following:

  1. Your email address is your account name in the portal, and this cannot be changed. It should be your institution email address and not a personal email address. As a PI this address will also be important for all of the members in your group who will use the facility.
    • NOTE: If you and your group change affiliation, the only way to update this information is unfortunately to register a new account for yourself and your group in the OrderPortal with the new affiliation.
  2. As a PI you must select the "Yes" checkbox next to Principal Investigator, if this is not selected the rest of the steps will not work and it also becomes difficult for us to track down this as a cause of problems.

Screenshot 2

Second step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing a the first half of a properly filled out "Register new account" form for a new Principal Investigator.


Screenshot 3

Third step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing a the second half of a properly filled out "Register new account" form for a new Principal Investigator.


Once the form is submitted it is set as "Pending" status and a notification is sent to us in the facility of a new account registered. We usually enable the account within 24-48 hours if there is no missing information. Once the PI account has been created you can go onto the next step of registering the users within your group who will want to book and use the facility resources.

Step 2: Register Accounts (Group Members)

Screenshot 4

Fourth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing a the first half of a properly filled out "Register new account" form for a new group member of the previously created Principal Investigator.


Screenshot 5

Fifth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing a the second half of a properly filled out "Register new account" form for a new group member of the previously created Principal Investigator.


Again the account is set as "Pending" and we are notified and we will enable the accounts assuming the information is correct. At this point we are able to automatically import this information into our booking system EMhub which will create user accounts there as well using the same account name. However, you still will not be able to book resources without a submitted and approved application/order. So that is what we do in the next step.

Step 3: Creating Rapid Access Application Order (Principal Investigator / Project Lead)

Screenshot 6

Sixth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the Documents tab of the OrderPortal with the mouse over the "Download" button for the Application_form_for_single_particle_screening document, which is needed for the next step of creating a Rapid Application order.


Screenshot 7

Seventh step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the Home landing page of the OrderPortal with the mouse over the "Create order" button for the Rapid Access application form Single Particle and Tomography (2023/2024).


Screenshot 8

Eighth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the first third of a properly completed Rapid Access application Order


Screenshot 9

Ninth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the second third of a properly completed Rapid Access application Order


Screenshot 10

Tenth step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the final third of a properly completed Rapid Access application Order with the mouse over the "Save and view" button.


Screenshot 11

Eleventh step in the Portal Guide for new users, showing the completed Rapid Access application Order after saving with the mouse over the "Submit" button.


Step 4: Reset EMhub Account Passwords

Assuming that the steps above were completed correctly and we in the facility have accepted the application/order, you will be able to login into the booking system EMhub after you set an account password in EMhub. To do this follow the steps from 1.2 in the EMhub user guide

No session cookie is used for anonymous users.
OrderPortal 11.4.2