About us

about us The Cryo-EM National Facility provides the Swedish scientific community with state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in single particle cryo-EM and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). For single-particle, we offer access to a Talos Arctica with FEI Falcon II detector and a Titan Krios with FEI Falcon II and Gatan Bioquantum K2 Summit image filter/detector, located at SciLifeLab, Stockholm. For cryo-ET, we offer a Titan Krios with FEI Falcon III and a Scios DualBeam SEM, located at UmeƄ University.

The facilities can be accessed by Swedish researchers through a peer-reviewed routine, and applications are welcomed any time though this portal. Applications will be reviewed four times per year (submission deadlines on the 1st of October, January, April and July). Successful applicants will be informed of the scheduling within a month of the deadline.

Along with the services, we arrange weekly seminars, training workshops and international symposia that will be announced on the home page of this portal. Everyone is welcome to take active part in these events.

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