Single particle Cryo-EM: After your session

A users fee of 5000 SEK per 24h session should be paid in full before submitting the next application.

Data handling

Please note that cryo-EM can generate a large amount of data, and that the facility will not provide long-term storage.

  • Users will be able to download the micrographs via a dedicated server as the data is being collected. We encourage users to transfer the data as soon as possible. Alternatively, the facility can provide hard disks for an extra fee. After 15 days the data will be deleted.

Users are encouraged to complete the data processing and submit a conclusive report to and for their next application to be considered. Please find the relevant form in the Documents menu.

Users publishing work containing data collected at the Cryo-EM Facility should ensure that they acknowledge the relevant facility personnel. In addition, the funding agencies should be acknowledged through the following statement: “The data was collected at the Cryo-EM Swedish National Facility funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg, Family Erling Persson and Kempe Foundations, SciLifeLab, Stockholm University and Umeå University.”

Please notify us of the title, authors, journal, EMDB and PDB ID of any accepted publication.

No session cookie is used for anonymous users.
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